1: What is a baseline of that you're writing? What is the inspiration?
I’ve been one to write from emotion. I don’t usually write a story based on what I want to happen but the emotions I want my characters to feel.
2: Who's your favorite character in your working?
My favorite character has always been Eliza. Even though she’s not the main character I’ve always loved working on
her part of the story because I feel she’s been through a lot and has so much to tell.
3: Do you find that people understand you more than when you were in high school and as a child?
Right now I’m still in high school so it’s hard to judge. My writing has definitely improved than from when I was in 8th grade, but people take me more seriously now as a published author with book in hand.
4: Where can people find your book?
Essence is available in all ebook stores and in paperback through Amazon and most book retailers.
5: What's your deepest regret?
I’m the type of person who says everything happens for a reason, so even though I have a lot of regrets (in writing and life) I wouldn’t go back on what’s happened in my life.
6: Do you base your characters off people you know?
Never. I may pull small traits from people I know but I think most writers will tell you how basing a character off someone in real life may create conflict later.
7: What is your latest book project?
Right now I’m working on the prequel to Essence that tells the tale of Luna. While Essence was about Emma and how she became an Essence, the book I’m writing now tells the story of how Luna discovered the gift/curse of being an Essence.
8: What's your favorite thing to write about?
My favorite thing to write is anything that satisfies my emotions. This basically means my favorite things to write are things that are hard to cope with, and writing allows me to vent in a healthy way.
9: Where is your favorite place to write?
Right now I mostly write in the privacy of my room, but when summer comes and the weather is nice I love to be able to take my laptop outside and have the fresh air and sounds of nature for inspiration.
10: Do you ever have a dream about you work?
Surprisingly, no. I’ve never been the type of person to have “normal” dreams—99% of the time they confuse me to no end—but I wish I did dream about my books! I feel like that would make writing so much easier.
11: Who's this book best suited for?
Essence is a Young Adult Fantasy but like almost every YA book it is suited for anyone from middle school to adults!
12: Do you ever think pushing a children's book?
No. Children’s is a whole other different type of writing and publishing that I don’t have any knowledge of. I don’t think writing a children’s story would hold the same satisfaction that writing an actual fully fleshed out story does.
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